Equinor agrees to buy Sval Energi's 11.8% stake in Halten East Unit
Adds detail from paragraph 2
COPENHAGEN, Nov 7 (Reuters) -Norway's Equinor EQNR.OL said on Thursday it has agreed to buy Sval Energi's 11.8% stake in the ongoing offshore development Halten East Unit in the Norwegian Sea, increasing the company's ownership to 69.5%.
The recoverable reserves in Halten East are estimated to be around 100 million barrels of oil equivalents, of which approximately 60% is gas that will be exported to Europe via Kaarstoe in south-western Norway.
Equinor is the operator of the Halten East Unit, in which Var Energi VAR.OL owns a 24.6% stake while Norwegian state-owned oil firm Petoro has 5.9%.
Reporting by Louise Breusch Rasmussen, editing by Terje Solsvik
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