GM ending production of Cadillac XT4 SUV as it shifts to electric vehicles
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By David Shepardson
Nov 7 (Reuters) -General Motors GM.N said on Thursday it will end production of the gas-powered Cadillac XT4 SUV in January as it shifts production at its Kansas plant to electric vehicles.
The Detroit automaker is investing $390 million at its Fairfax, Kansas, assembly plant to build next-generation Chevrolet Bolt EVs. GM plans to end production of its Chevrolet Malibu this month.
GM had said in May that when it resumed production in 2025 in Kansas it would build both the Bolt EV and XT4 on the same assembly line, but now will only build Bolt vehicles. GM halted production of the prior-generation Bolt in December 2023.
GM sales of XT4 vehicles are down 12% to 17,807 this year.
GM said in September it would lay off 1,695 workers at its Fairfax plant. GM said the first of two rounds will begin on Nov. 18, affecting 686 full-time workers and terminating 250 temporary employees.
Under the second phase, to begin on Jan. 12, 759 full-time workers will be laid off, GM said. GM plans to recall the full-time workers once the plant resumes production of the Bolt in late 2025.
GM has sold more than 10 million Malibus since 1964 worldwide.
GM has been shifting away from cars in favor of building more crossover and sport utility vehicles in recent years. The Malibu is the last remaining Chevrolet car offered in the United States besides the Corvette. GM ended production of the Chevrolet Camaro late last year.
Reporting by David Shepardson
Editing by Chris Reese and Rod Nickel
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