
Net inflows at Italian asset gatherers up to 3.5 billion euros in October

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By Alberto Chiumento and Alessandro Parodi

Nov 8 (Reuters) -Italy's five listed asset gatherers reported combined net inflows of 3.49 billion euros ($375.18 billion) for October, up from 7.9 million euros in the same month of 2023.

Net inflows into more lucrative assets under management rose to a combined 1.52 billion euros, from negative 1.53 billions last year, data showed.


With interest rates declining, banks have turned to net fees and brokerage products to drive revenue and offset the declining contribution from their lending business. Banca Generali BGN.MI said a third-quarter profit beat was helped by demand for managed solutions.

Changes in the asset management industry and rising competition put pressure on margins and scale becomes increasingly important, driving consolidation in the sector.

Italy's third-largest Banco BPM BAMI.MI on Wednesday launched a buyout offer to gain full control of asset manager Anima Holding ANIM.MI, which now it controls with a 22% stake, in an deal worth up to 1.6 billion euro.


October Inflows

October Inflows into managed assets

Year-to-date inflows

Total Assets

Managed Assets


-1.01 bln

-1.01 bln

-4.16 bln

202.2 bln

202.2 bln


1.73 bln

1.04 bln

14.28 bln

107.90 bln

66.83 bln


424 mln

362 mln

5.16 bln




1.37 bln

703 mln

8.52 bln




979.3 mln

428.6 mln

7.92 bln

136.31 bln

64.20 bln

* Anima figures include Class I insurance mandates


Bankers including Mediobanca MDBI.MI Chief Executive Alberto Nagel expect more consolidation deals after BNP Paribas BNPP.PA in August entered exclusive talks with AXA AXAF.PA to buy the French insurer's investment management arm, while UniCredit's CRDI.MI plans to merge with Commerzbank CBKG.DE has fed speculation about banking tie-ups in Europe.

Italian asset gatherers contend growing AuM market https://reut.rs/3YIQQeR

Reporting by Alberto Chiumento and Alessandro Parodi; Additional reporting by Philippe Leroy Beaulieu; Editing by Alison Williams


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