
Renewable energy firms fall after Trump secures victory in US elections

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** Shares of U.S.-listed renewable energy firms decline between 5% and 21% in early trading

** Plug Power PLUG.O down 20.7% to $2,Nextera Energy NEE.N falls 5.3% and Bloom Energy dropsBE.N 6.4%

** "Trump's victory automatically creates headline risk for the entire clean tech landscape, and stocks today are set to be down sharply" said Raymond James analyst Pavel Molchanov

** Adds "we know from Trump's first term, as well as subsequent rhetoric, that federal regulatory policy vis-a-vis climate will be weaker as compared to the past four years"

** Republican Donald Trump securesvictory inthe 2024 U.S. presidential contest

** A second White House term for Trump is expected to weigh on the renewable energy sector as he has said he would "rescind all unspent funds" under the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes subsidies for EVs, solar and wind energy, and other clean energy technologies

** Including sessions moves, PLUGdown 55.6%, BE down 28.1% and NEE up 22.2% so far this year

Reporting by Bhanvi Satija and Pooja Menon in Bengaluru


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