Foreigners sell India bonds on day Trump elected as US president
Foreign investors exited from Indian government bonds on the day Donald Trump was elected as U.S. president
These investors net sold bonds under Fully Accessible Route (FAR) worth 24 bln rupees ($285 mln) on Weds, per CCIL data
Majority of bonds under FAR are a part of JPMorgan's emerging market debt index
"U.S. yields rose and with a Trump win, chances are of a further upside. So, some kneejerk selling was seen from some investors," trader with a foreign bank says
Bulk of the selling was from semi-liquid, longer-duration bonds, along with liquid five-year papers, data shows
Foreign lenders net sold bonds worth around 40 bln rupees
"We will have to wait and see whether this becomes a long-term trend," another trader adds
($1 = 84.2740 Indian rupees)
Reporting by Dharamraj Dhutia
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