Jarden raises questions on MinRes' gas deal with Hancock; shares slip
** Analysts at Jarden raise questions of Mineral Resources' (MinRes) MIN.AX A$1.1 bln ($723.58 mln) gas deal with Hancock Prospecting
** Brokerage says the value of the deal is A$1.1 bln pre-tax but would come down to A$667 mln after taxes
** Lowers PT on the lithium miner to A$31.2 from A$32
** Brokerage questions whether MIN will even recoup its capital outlay from this transaction, let alone meet its investment hurdles
** Retains "sell" rating on stock based on a lack of valuation support, the unresolved balance sheet position and ongoing governance concerns
** Brokerage finds it impossible to take a positive view given the uncertainty on how the board will react to recent disclosure and an external investigation into the company's affairs
** MIN shares down 1.5% at A$38.83
** Stock has fallen 43.7% YTD, as of last close
($1 = 1.5202 Australian dollars)
Reporting by Rishav Chatterjee in Bengaluru
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