M&A targets Albertsons, Capri jump after Trump elected as US president
** Grocery chain Albertsons Companies' shares ACI.N up 3% at $19.10 premarket after Donald Trump elected U.S. president; Versace-parent Capri CPRI.N up 3.5% at $21.25
** Companies are in the midst of buyout deals that have faced scrutiny from U.S. anti-trust regulators
** Analysts say Republicans are generally more favorable toward M&A (merger and acquisition) and industry consolidation
** Trump may prefer settling with companies over competition issues in mergers, rather than new trials, attorneys have told Reuters
** "There will likely be an easier path to getting to approval of mergers like Tapestry-Capri and Kroger-Albertsons," says Art Hogan, chief market strategist at B Riley Wealth
** In August, U.S. Federal Trade Commission argued to block Kroger's KR.N $25 bln merger with rival grocer ACI, citing surge in grocery prices
** A U.S. judge blocked the pending $8.5 bln merger of handbag and accessories maker Tapestry TPR.N and Capri last month
** ACI stock down 19%, CPRI down 59% as of last close YTD
Reporting by Savyata Mishra and Juveria Tabassum in Bengaluru
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