Shares in Brazil's Gerdau up 7% after quarterly results
**Preferredshares in Brazilian steelmaker Gerdau GGBR4.SA trade up more than 7% onWednesday even after the release of a 10% decline in its third-quarter adjusted net profit on Tuesday
**The quarterly results show the company profit fell to 1.43 billion reais ($248.7 million), still above the 1.36 billion reais estimate from analysts polled by LSEG
**Its adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) total 3.02 billion reais in the third quarter, down 10% year-on-year but above analysts' expectations of 2.83 billion reais
**"The beat came mostly from stronger North American operations, which we think is going to be welcomed by investors", say Goldman Sachs analysts
**Gerdau reports a net revenue of 17.38 billion reais, up 1.8% from the same quarter last year
**The company says global price pressures are impacting operational results
**Gerdau's Financial VP says that the firm would "probably" review some of its 2025 planning cycle considering the victory of the Republican Party in the US election
**"Investors will be watching for any developments post US election and potential pent-up demand improvement", Goldman Sachs analysts add
Reporting by Paula Arend Laier; writing by Isabel Teles
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