Brokerages cut PT on APA Corp. on North Sea exit, lower 2025 forecast
** APA Corp. APA.O down 1.4% to $21.64 as several brokerages cut PTs
** Company missed analysts' expectation for Q3 profit after market close on Wednesday and flagged that it would exit North Sea operations earlier than expected on new emission rules in the UK
** Barclays ("equal weight") cuts PT to $27 from $30 on company stopping North Sea operations by the 2029-year end due to UK emission regulations, which "accelerates timing of abandonment charges"
** Truist Securities ("buy") cuts PT to $33 from $36 on the slightly lower 2025 estimates, but says "believe the diversified asset base has attractive potential value assuming co can demonstrate its eight-rig Permian and twelve-rig Egypt programs can sustain adjusted production"
** Brokerage GERDES Energy Research cuts PT on oil and gas producer APA Corp's APA.O shares to $49 from $53, maintains "buy" rating onNorth Sea exit
** Notes that the PermianBasin constitutes ~65% of company's capital spending and Egypt makes up ~20%
** APA shares closed down 11% on Thursday, hitting its lowest since October 2021
** Including losses, company's shares down 39.5% YTD
Reporting by Seher Dareen in Bengaluru
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